(Bahasa Inggeris dan Arab) Ucapan Selamat Berpuasa Ramadhan

Perintah berpuasa bagi orang Islam ada dinyatakan dalam surah al-Baqarah ayat 183. Firman Allah swt, maksudnya:

Wahai orang yang beriman, kamu diwajibkan berpuasa sebagaimana diwajibkan atas orang sebelum kamu supaya kamu bertakwa.

Surah al-Baqarah, ayat 183

Dari sudut bahasa, puasa bermaksud MENAHAN. Secara istilahnya, puasa adalah menahan daripada perkara khusus termasuk makanan, minuman, dan perbuatan yang boleh membatalkannya pada siang hari dengan niat puasa pada malam sebelumnya.

Baca: Koleksi Ucapan Selamat Berpuasa Bulan Ramadan

Ucapan Selamat Menyambut Bulan Puasa Ramadan dalam Bahasa Inggeris

Allah’s love is greater than all the amount of water in this world and all the stars in the sky. This Ramadan, surrender yourself in His praise, and you shall be the happiest person on the Earth.

“O God, we ask you for all good – good now, good later, what we know to be good and what we don’t. And we seek refuge in you from all evil – evil now, evil later, what we know to be evil and what we don’t.” — Ibnu Majah

Be grateful to Allah and the Iftar meals he provides, and you will never run out of happiness. Happy Ramadan my friend.

“O God, we ask You for Your Love, the love of those whom You Love and actions that will bring us closer to Your Love.” — at-Tirmidhi

I hope this Ramadan you focus only on Allah and worship Him all your being. Ramadan Mubarak from my family to yours.

Ramadan is not about fasting. It is about diving into Allah’s mercy. It is the celebration of the blessings that He bestows on His believers. Happy Ramadan my family.

May this divine month of Ramadan erase your sinful past and bless the heart with love, kindness, and mercy. Happy Ramadan brother.

Fulfill the purpose of Ramadan this year, literate yourself of the divine Supreme, stay conscious of His power, fear Him because Allah is the greatest in this world. Ramadan Mubarak sister.

“O God, we ask you for faith that doesn’t fade, blessings that do not deplete and the company of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, in the highest level of your Paradise.” — An Nisa’ie

(Bahasa Inggeris dan Arab) Ucapan Selamat Berpuasa Ramadan Mubarak

Ucapan Selamat Bulan Puasa Bahasa Arab dan Maksudnya dalam Bahasa Inggeris

نرجو أن تبارككم روح رمضان بالازدهار والثروة والسعادة في الحياة! الله يعفو عن كل خطأك وأخطائك رمضان سعيد
May the spirit of Ramadan bless you with prosperity, wealth and happiness in life! May God forgive all your mistakes and mistakes Happy Ramadan

رَمَضَان كَرِيم
Ramadan Kareem
Have a generous Ramadan

رَمَضَان مُبَارَك
Ramadan Mubarak
Have a blessed month

كُلُّ عَامٍ وَأَنْتُمْ بِخَيْ
Kul ‘Aamen Wa Antum Bi Khayr
Every year and you are in goodness

ربما الهلال كن ضوءك الهادي وقوتها ، املأ حياتك ، السلام والنعمة. رمضان مبارك
May the crescent moon be your guiding light and strength, fill your life, peace and grace. Ramadan Mubarak.

بينما تصوم وتقدِّم الصلاة إلى الله ، قد تجد سلامتك وسعادتك. استمتعوا برمضان سلمي وسعيد!
As you fast and offer prayer to God, may you find your peace and happiness. Enjoy a peaceful and happy Ramadan!

كل عام وأنتم بخير
Kul Amen Wa Antom Bi Khayer
I wish you goodness every year

تقبل الله منا ومنكم صالح الأعمال
Takabbal-Allahu Minna Wa minkum Salihal A’maal
May Allah accept our righteous deeds

تَقَبَّلَ اللهُ مِنَّا وَمِنْكُمْ صَالِحَ الأَعْمَال
Takabbal-Allahu Minna Wa Minkum Salihal A’maal
May Allah accept all our righteous deeds.

مُبَارَكٌ لَكَ أَنْ بَلَّغَكَ اللهُ رَمَضَان
Mubarak Laka Ann Ballaghaka Allahu Ramadan
Congrats! Allah grants you the chance to live till this Ramadan.

أسأل الله أن يكرمك بالمغفرة
As’alu-Allaha Ann Yukrimaka Bil Maghfirah
May Allah bless you with forgiveness.

أعاده الله عليكم أعوامًا عديدة
A’adahul-Allahu ‘Alaikun A’waman ‘Adeeda
May Allah grant you the chance to live for Ramadan for a lot of years.

مُبارك عليكم الشهر
Mubarak Alaykum Alshahr
May this month be a blessed one

كل رمضان وأنتم بخير
Kul Ramadan Wa Antom Bi Khayer
I wish you goodness every Ramadan

عساكم من عواده
Asakum Min ‘Awadah
Happy Ramadan